Saturday, September 13, 2014


Today was such a nice day. It was been cloudy lately, and it rained a little in the afternoon.
The sisters missionaries came today, it was really nice having them here. One of the sisters is from El Salvador, she taught us how to make pupusas! We made pupusas with cheese and black beans! :D It was delicious.  It is nice having them near, they remind me of how important it is for us to share the gospel, it is such a blessing in my life, why not share it with everyone you know?
I know it can be scary sometimes, because it is hard to hear people saying no to your invitation to hear more about the church, but the worst it can happen is that they will say no thanks and life will go on. The other important thing is to be constantly praying for opportunities to share the gospel, I remember last conference in october how one of our church leaders gave us the challenge to share the gospel with someone, and in his talk, he mentioned the importance of praying for opportunities to be able to share the gospel.

Taking about conference, it is next month!!! How exiting, I was just thinking about this today in the morning, and how I need to start preparing, spiritually and with David too! Need to start preparing my conference basket, 3 days of entertaining a four year old is hard, I like him to get involve and try to listen a little at least. I usually try to go to my stake, I tend to be more reverent and pay more attention if I go there. The last day is a little hard, David gets a little tired so the last one I stay home.

Then after the sisters left, look what happened?

Then we had an afternoon of art, lately I have been thinking I gave up painting and drawing, I should not have done that, so today was the first time I drew in 6 years!!! SIX YEARS!! It was nice, I little scary, because I though it was going to be so ugly what I would do, after no practice at all. The other excuse I had is that I need to start buying my art materials from zero again, and it is expensive, but I though that is no excuse, and used davids material. And this is what I did. David had fun too. 

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